Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee was born to Jaebum Lee and Gham-jang Cho on April 20, 1943 in Muan, Jeollanam-do, as the youngest child in a family with three boys and three girls. A scholar of Chinese classics, Mr. Lee strictly educated his children about etiquette and made every effort for them to have a proper set of values. Firmly holding onto the little hands of his youngest son during election seasons, the elder Lee sought to give the boy hopes for future. As he heard campaign speeches made by candidates throughout his youth, Lee began to dream of one day becoming a member of the National Assembly and working for the benefit of his country.
After graduating from Boonhyang Elementary School in Jangseong County and Songjung Middle School in the city of Gwangju, Lee moved to Seoul to continue his education. During his high school years, however, he suffered from frequent illnesses of various types. He had always been a young man of robust health, but his suffering continued through his youth years particularly because of the side effect from an accident he suffered in childhood. When his memory began to fail shortly before the college entrance examination, Lee was overcome by a devastating sense of failure and even attempted suicide.
After a period of many ups and downs, Lee entered Hanyang University in Seoul, a prominent institution especially known for its engineering department. In October 1964, Lee took time off from schoolwork to enlist in the mandatory military service and towards the end of his service, through the introduction of a relative, he began a pen-pal relationship with a young woman. After being discharged from the military service, Lee married this woman in January 1968, and she was Mrs. Boknim Lee.
In March 1968, the newly wedded husband invited a few of his friends for a housewarming party but following an evening of heavy drinking, Lee suffered from gastrointestinal disturbance. As his stomach began to fail, a complication developed and for the next seven years, Lee would try anything from prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication to folk remedies, but all was in vain as his condition only deteriorated. Even his family, who had looked after him for years and had been growing weary, finally gave up on him.
On April 17, 1974, God called on Jaerock Lee, whose movement had been significantly limited by rheumatoid arthritis and who had been living a life marked only by devastation and distress with no hope for future. One of his older sisters, Senior Deaconess Jungsoon Lee, visited and asked him to take her to ¡°Hyunshinae Church.¡± Unable to refuse her request, Rev. Dr. Lee just barely relied himself on a walking stick and arrived at the site of a revival meeting in Seodaemun-gu in northwestern Seoul.
He was taken aback by the sight of people earnestly praying but nevertheless knelt down. At that very moment, Rev. Dr. Lee felt his body beginning to heat up and found himself sweating profusely even though no one had prayed for him or he had prayed for healing. Otitis media had limited his hearing but he began to clearly hear the messages proclaimed from the pulpit, and the symptoms of more than ten diseases that had tormented him from head to toe disappeared. On that day, an atheist had received the baptism by the fire of the Holy Spirit and experienced God¡¯s healing of all of the diseases that had tormented him for seven long years.
After meeting with the Living God, layman Jaerock Lee began attending church and leading a life in Christ. He chose to do manual labor so that he could the Lord¡¯s Day holy and kept himself busy with reading of the Word, spreading the gospel, and fasting at every opportunity he found. Longing only to live by the Word so that he could repay for God¡¯s love and grace, his one desire was to thoroughly understand the spiritual significance of God¡¯s Word found in the 66 books of the Bible.
Even as Lee attended various revival meetings and did receive grace in hopes of understanding the depths of God¡¯s Word, his thirst could not be quenched. While he was fasting and pleading and wrestling with God ? just as Jacob had done ? so that he might understand more difficult verses from the Bible, God in person called on Lee to become His servant.
Even though God¡¯s calling was in stark contrast to his dream of becoming a worthy elder and helping people in need, Lee nevertheless became convinced that becoming a servant of God was, in fact, His will. Obedient to God¡¯s calling, Lee graduated from a seminary and began walking a life of a minister. As he prayed earnestly and fasted as often as he ate in order to understand God¡¯s Word more clearly, whenever he placed his hand on the sick and prayed for them, the undeniable work of the Holy Spirit took place.
In July 1982, Pastor Jaerock Lee founded a church in Shindaebang-dong, Dongjak-gu in western Seoul. Through the life-filled messages that had been revealed in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, its members experienced healing and transformation and their faith grew rapidly as they constantly witnessed God¡¯s works.
God¡¯s works of power, manifested through signs, wonders, and evidence of His presence, continued steadily after the founding. Relentlessly manifested at the church were such Biblical miracles as the dead coming back to life, the weak becoming strong, the mute beginning to speak, the deaf beginning to hear, and the like. The church continued to experience revival as the news was rampant about this ¡°church filled with the Holy Spirit,¡± ¡°church where the Word and prayer were alive and at work,¡± and ¡°church where the works of healing were powerful and God¡¯s power was unquestionably manifested.¡±
Ordained as pastor in May 1986, Rev. Jaerock Lee made an appearance on ¡°Renew Me¡± of the Christian Broadcasting System (CBS) in August 1987 and testified to how he was miraculously revived at the threshold of death. After 1990, Rev. Lee¡¯s messages were heard on the Far East Broadcasting Company, the Asia Broadcasting Company, and CBS.
The church continued its growth and by 1991, the size of congregation exceeded 10,000 registered members. In March 1993, the Christian World magazine of the United States selected Manmin as one of ¡°The World¡¯s Top 50 Churches¡± (reported by The Chosun Ilbo). While the church kept growing, Rev. Lee did not hesitate to cooperate with and provide assistance to promote collaborative efforts and unity of Korea¡¯s Christianity. For national evangelization and the improvement of the Christian community, Rev. Lee supported newly-founded churches and churches with great potential for growth.
As the church was filled with the Holy Spirit like the early churches before it, and always abounding in God¡¯s works, revival was accompanied by times of affliction. Both laymen and theologians alike agreed that messages of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee were the gospel in its purest form. Even though the works of the Holy Spirit manifested through Rev. Dr. Lee were clearly in line with the Bible and its teachings, however, there were those who judged and condemned him as ¡°heretical¡± as they remained mindful of the Christian authority and their thoughts were clouded by selfish interests. Of course, such phenomena were not limited to Manmin. In the current climate of Korea¡¯s Christianity, instead of rejoicing with and praying for a church at which the works of the Holy Spirit and revival are evident, it is more likely for that congregation to be slandered and labeled ¡°heretic¡± by certain individuals abusing their authority
Manmin Joong-ang Church had one time been a victim of such abuse of authority, but based on the five-fold gospel of ¡°Rebirth, Sanctification, Divine Healing, Resurrection, and the Second Advent,¡± God led it to spread the gospel more vigorously than before. After making steady progress month after month, year after year throughout the 1990s, Manmin Joong-ang Church endured difficulties by a number of individuals who sought to satisfy their own interests with foul motives. They spread baseless rumors, established false witnesses, and wrote to a prominent Korean broadcasting company in hopes of using the airwaves to destroy Manmin but the church God had built upon the rock was not shaken. The truth is always revealed with the passing of time.
As Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee endured in patience and in love for those who paid back for grace by making themselves his adversary, and overcame all hardships, God blessed Rev. Dr. Lee with an unimaginable magnitude of His power.
At each overseas crusade Rev. Dr. Lee began conducting in 2000, explosives works and evidence of God¡¯s power were made apparent. Such miracles were reported by the Cable News Network (CNN) during ¡°The 2000 Uganda Church Leaders¡¯ Conference and Crusade,¡± and the depths and widths of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee¡¯s manifestations of God¡¯s
power only increased year after year. ¡°The 2002 Miracle Healing Prayer Festival¡± held in at Marina Beach in Chennai, India, brought together more than three million people over four days. Through ¡°The 2003 Russia Miracle Healing Festival¡± ? designated as part of ¡°The Official Celebration of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg¡± ?
¡°The 2004 Germany Healing Festival,¡± ¡°The 2004 Peru Healing Crusade,¡± ¡°The 2006 Democratic Republic of the Congo Miracle Healing Festival,¡± and ¡°The New York Crusade 2006,¡± Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee magnified God by proclaiming to the whole world about the Living God with life-filled messages and earth-shattering manifestations of His power.
When he conducted ¡°The Peru Healing Crusade¡± in December 2004, President Alejandro Toledo invited Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee and received his prayer for a variety of problems facing the South American country and in May 2005, Peru¡¯s former and current vice presidents visited Manmin Joong-ang Church in Seoul and conveyed their gratitude to Rev. Dr. Lee for the 2004 Crusade.
When he visited Kinshasa, DR Congo, for ¡°The Miracle Healing Festival¡± in February 2006, President Joseph Kabila invited Rev. Dr. Lee for a friendly dialogue.
The Festival gathered hundreds of thousands of people from all over DR Congo and was flooding with people who desired to testify to the healing of AIDS and other incurable and terminal diseases.
Jesus showed the types of signs that no man is capable of even imitating after proclaiming messages so that people would believe. By the same token, the ministry of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee can be summarized as, ¡°The work of proving the Bible to be the truth by plainly manifesting the works of the Living God and thus enabling people to believe.¡±
Rev. Dr. Lee confesses that the origin of power manifested through him comes only from God. He is a humble servant of God seeking only to magnify the Father by confessing that no manifestation of power would be possible without the presence of God and that everything is possible only by the name of Jesus Christ.
A notable trait of Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee¡¯s ministry is that he has made himself an example of how man is able, by God¡¯s grace and strength, to rid himself of not only visible sins but also sinful attributes in the heart. As we pray by faith, by the grace and strength of God, we can abstain from every form of evil and cultivate within us a sanctified and clean heart, the heart of Jesus Christ. As much as one keeps himself clean, God gives him spiritual faith from on high. When the individual has taken ownership of a true heart and perfect faith and become faithful in all God¡¯s house, he will be able to enter New Jerusalem in heaven.
The last remaining tasks for Rev. Dr. Lee¡¯s ministry are spreading the five-fold gospel to the remotest part of the earth and constructing the Grand Sanctuary, which will be accomplished within God¡¯s Providence.
Rev. Dr. Jaerock Lee marches on today, keeping his eyes fixed on the day when he and all other believers, who will have set themselves apart by the truth and lived by the Word ? those who will have prepared oil and brightly lit their lamps ? will embrace the Lord with confidence.